Sunday, November 23, 2014

Little Airlines, Big Ideas

            Two new airline business model concepts that are discussed in Little Airlines, Big Ideas, are by companies like La Compagnie and WOW.  La Compagnie is an airline company that had a pretty smart idea of making their international flights with airplanes that are fully 1st Class.  They lose the amount of people that can fit on the plane but gain in revenue by not charging some $9,000 per ticket but by charging around $2,000 to $3,000. WOW Airlines is cheap for the ticket, due to them predominantly operating smaller planes.  They make sure that all of their seats are filled in the plane, which usually isn’t a problem due to the price of their tickets.  Even though WOW Airlines has very cheap tickets, they add charges for services like meals, bags, etc. 

            WOW Airlines is based out of Iceland, where they operate A320’s predominantly to Europe and a few East Coast major airports here in the U.S. LaCompagnie is based out of Paris, where they operate 757’s completely equipped for all first class seating.  They fly from Paris to New York.

            I think WOW Airlines will be more successful out of these two due to operating to almost all of Europe.  I feel that although people do love luxurious treatment of first class like La Compagnie offers, but ultimately they will go after cheaper prices and tickets to get them from point A to point B.

            I don’t think these airlines will have a huge effect on the global industry due to not many people even knowing that they exist right now.  The major legacies know that these ultra low cost carriers exist but I feel that they are fearful of them.  They honestly dwarf them and if it comes to the point where more people give a company like WOW Airlines more business it will force the legacies to match or come close to their prices.  I’d much rather fly with a company like Delta where I know maintenance, pilots, etc. is highly kept up and is a well known company verse a company like WOW Airlines or the new Baltia Airlines that all the Flight Technology people know about hanging around Eagle Flight Center.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - I also feel safer with the more "established" airlines, but do you think the general public cares? Or do you think they are focused on the bottom line of their ticket price?
